Red Flags Continued: Disregard for Consent

Consent is essential in BDSM and Leather culture. Anyone disregarding or dismissing the importance of obtaining informed, explicit, and enthusiastic consent before engaging in any kink or power exchange relationship or activity may display a significant red flag that undermines respect, trust, and safety.

Consent is the cornerstone of all kink or power exchange relationships or activities, emphasizing that all participants must willingly and enthusiastically agree to engage in specific actions. Failure to obtain clear, informed, and ongoing consent can lead to discomfort, violation of boundaries, and potential harm.

Disregarding consent defies the essence of trust between participants. It contradicts the core values of responsibility and ethical engagement that BDSM and Leather culture uphold. Disregarding consent is a violation of consent.

Things to Know

Things I will not argue over:

  • Who’s right or wrong?
  • My preference.
  • Other people’s opinions.
  • My needs.
  • My core values.
  • What I do with my energy.
  • My boundaries
  • Things that are no one else's business

~ Nakeia Homer

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